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Service Work

In Spring 2018, I became involved with Skype a Scientist, where I get to Skype with elementary - high school classrooms and discuss science with young students!

I served the Botanical Society of America as a PLANTS Mentor to an undergraduate PLANTS Grant Awardee at #Botany2017.

BioGSA: I've served as president and graduate representative of the Biology Graduate Student Association at the University of Memphis since 2015.

PlantingScience: I've been mentoring online student groups with PlantingScience since 2014. Here I get to work with middle and high school students and help them develop their own cool semester-long projects! Check out PlantingScience

Undergraduate Mentoring: At the University of Memphis I have the opportunity to work with undergraduates who become involved in the Mandel Lab. I've had undergrads help with my projects, and I've been involved in helping them develop their own projects within the scope of our lab. 

GSA-ECSSC: I was recently appointed as the Communication Committee Liaison of the Early Career Scientist Committee within the Genetics Society of America. The Committee is tasked with bring to light important discoveries in the field of genetics that have had transformative effects on other fields.

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